Look at the picture and match the organelle with the number

1 - Nucleus
2 - Lysosome
3 - Golgi body
4 - Endoplasmic reticulum
6 - Cytoplasm
7 - Cell plasma membrane
8 - Mitochondria
9 - Ribosomes
1) The Nucleus – the control station of the cell Entry to Animal Cell.
2) Lysosomes are tiny balls of phospholipids formed by the Golgi bodies and are effective for cracking down cellular debris and the matter is taken into the cell through the method of phagocytosis.
3) The Golgi body also contains the lipids and steroids made in the Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum into blisters.
4)Endoplasmic Reticulum – The Cell’s Assembly Line SER is principally concerned in the synthesis of lipids (fatty fat fats) and steroids, both very essential elements of cell membranes.
8) Mitochondria All cells require the power to grow, duplicate, and function. Like the organisms they contain, cells must "eat" to get the power they require.