Create a website for an online movie rental store, using HTML (and any other client technologies) and PHP. The website should include: - A front/home page containing a list of movies available for rent (list at least 8 movies). o Each movie should have a listed rental price. o Note: You can use the same rental price for every movie (i.e., it can be declared as a constant).

Answer :


HTML and PHP code is given below using 10 movie selections





<title> Online movie rent store </title>



<body bgcolor="blue" alink="white " vlink="white " link="white">


<hr size="5" color="white">

<center><font face="Monotype corsiva" size="25" color="yellow"> @@ Movies available for rent right now @@ </font></center>

<font face="times new roman" size=6 color="white">

<ol type="1">

<li> Batman $40 * Cast :- Michael Keaton , Jack Nicholson , Kim Basinger / Robert Wuhl *


<li> Godzilla 2019 $30 * Cast :- Kyle Chandler, Vera Farmiga, Millie Bobby Brown * </li>

<li> Wonder Woman $50</li>

<li> Terminator $10</li>

<li> Avengers : End Game $20</li>

<li> Harry Potter $30</li>

<li> Annabelle $20</li>

<li> hustlers $10</li>

<li> Joker $50</li>

<li> The Lion king $15</li>




<a href="renting.php" alink="white"> Click here to rent the movie ... </a>


<a href="review.php" alink="white"> Click here to review the movie ... </a>



review.php :-



<title> Reviewing Page </title>


<body bgcolor="green" > <hr size="5" color="white">


<h1><center><font face="Monotype corsiva" size="25" color="yellow"> Review movie </center></font> </h1> <hr size="5" color="white">

<font size="6" face="times new roman" color="yellow">

<form method="GET">

<label>Select movie</label>

<select name="movie1">

<option value="1" > batman</option>

<option value="2" > godzilla</option>

<option value="3" > wonder woman </option>

<option value="4" > terminator</option>

<option value="5" > avengers</option>

<option value="6" > Harry potter</option>

<option value="7" > Anabelle</option>

<option value="8" > Hustlers</option>

<option value="9" > Joker</option>

<option value="10" > The lion king</option>




Username :- <input type="text" name="name1" required="" > </input>


Review :- <input type="text" name="review" required="" > </input>


<label>Select rating</label>

<select name="rating">

<option value="1" > 1</option>

<option value="2" > 2</option>

<option value="3" > 3 </option>

<option value="4" > 4</option>

<option value="5" > 5</option>





<input type="submit" name="submit" required="" value="Submit">

<input type="reset" name="reset" required="" value="Reset">

<hr size="5" color="white">






{ $name1=$_GET["name1"];




echo "Movie name :- ".$m." <br>";

echo "Username :- ".$name1." <br>";

echo "Review :- ".$r." <br>";

echo "Rating :- ".$re. "Stars "." <br>" ;

echo "Successfully submitted.. Thankks for your feedback " ;










<title> Renting Page </title>


<body bgcolor="red"> <hr size="5" color="white">

<h1><center><font face="Monotype corsiva" size="25" color="yellow"> Renting movie </center></font> </h1> <hr size="5" color="white">

<form method="GET">


<label>Select movie</label>

<select name="movie1">

<option value="1" > batman</option>

<option value="2" > godzilla</option>

<option value="3" > wonder woman </option>

<option value="4" > terminator</option>

<option value="5" > avengers</option>

<option value="6" > Harry potter</option>

<option value="7" > Anabelle</option>

<option value="8" > Hustlers</option>

<option value="9" > Joker</option>

<option value="10" > The lion king</option>



<input type="submit" name="submit" required="" value="Submit">

<input type="reset" name="reset" required="" value="Reset">

<hr size="5" color="white">





<div class="php">



{ $movie1=$_GET["movie1"];

echo "Selected movie is : ".$movie1;

echo "<br> </br>";

echo "Amount charged : " ;



case 1 : echo " 42 dollars" ;


case 2: echo "31.5 dollars" ;


case 3 : echo "52.5 dollars" ;


case 4: echo " 10.5 dollars" ;


case 5 : echo " 21 dollars" ;


case 6 : echo "31.5 dollars" ;


case 7: echo "21 dollars" ;


case 8 : echo " 10.5 dollars" ;


case 9: echo " 52.5 dollars" ;


case 10 : echo " 16 dollars" ;



echo "Successfully rented" ;







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