
David speaks factually about health issues in his family. In his journal, however, he expresses his feelings about them. Listen to each of David’s statements and turn it into a dependent clause to complete each sentence. Be sure to conjugate the verb in the present subjunctive. Follow the model closely.

Answer :



1. Me enoja que mi abuela no deje de fumar

2. Me m.olesta* que mi padre tome muchos calmantes

3. Me sorprende que mi primo Rafael no haga ejercicio

4. Siento que ahora mismo mi tía Marta tenga gripe

5. Me alegro de que en la familia no haya más enfermedades

*I have to write "m.olesta" like that because brainly marks it as an inappropriate word


In this activity we have to listen to David´s statements and complete the sentences using the Present Subjunctive.

In Spanish the present subjunctive is used to express situations of doubt or denial, wishes and desires, expressing emotions or feelings.

1. Me enoja que mi abuela no deje de fumar (It angers me that my grandmother doesn't stop smoking)

deje is the conjugated form of the verb dejar (to quit) in Present subjunctive 3rd person singular Ella (she)

2. Me m.olesta que mi padre tome muchos calmantes (It bothers me that my father takes so many painkillers)

tome is the conjugated form of the verb tomar (to take) in Present subjunctive 3rd person singular Él (he)

3. Me sorprende que mi primo Rafael no haga ejercicio (It surprises me that my cousin Rafael doesn't work out)

Haga is the conjugated form of the verb hacer (to do) in Present subjunctive 3rd person singular Él (he)

4. Siento que ahora mismo mi tía Marta tenga gripe (I`m sorry that right now my aunt Marta has the flu)

Tenga is the conjugated form of the verb tener (to have) in Present subjunctive 3rd person singular Ella (she)

5. Me alegro de que en la familia no haya más enfermedades (I´m happy that there aren´t any more illnesses in the family)

haya is the conjugated form of the verb haber (there is/are) in Present subjunctive 3rd person singular

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