Answer :
Answer & Explanation
// This program is written in Coral Programming Language
// Comments are used for explanatory purpose
//The next 4 lines declares 4 variables. x,y,z and temp. temp is used as a temporary variable
float x
float y
float z
float temp
x = Get next input
y = Get next input
z = Get next input
temp = x // Assign the value of x to a temporary variable. The temporary variable will be used later
// The next line prints x raise to power y
Put RaiseToPower(x,y) to output
Put "\n" to output
//The next two lines calculate and print x raise to power y raise to power z
x = RaiseToPower (x,y)
Put RaiseToPower (x,z) to output
Put "\n" to output
x = temp
//The next two lines calculate and print the absolute value of x
Put AbsoluteValue(x) to output
The next 3 lines calculate and print the square root of xy raise to power of z
x = x * y
x = SquareRoot(x)
Put RaiseToPower (x,z) to output.
// End of Program