In the protein adenylate kinase, the C-terminal region has the sequence Val-Asp-Asp-Val-Phe-Ser-Gln-Val-Cys-Thr-His-Leu-Asp-Thr-Leu-Lys- The hydrophobic residues in this sequence are presented in boldface type. Suggest a possible reason for the periodicity in their spacing.a. Each residue that is hydrophobic lies on one side forming amphipathic α-helix.b. Hydrophobic residues give rise to a helical dipole moment and partial (-) charge of the C-terminus.c. Active site of the adenylate kinase is formed by packed together hydrophobic residues.d. Localization of hydrophobic residues on the one side of β-strand mediates the interactions with other one of the polypeptide chain.

Answer :




Each residue that is hydrophobic lies on one side forming amphipathic α-helix.This periodicity would allow the formation of hydrophobic surface on one face of the helix thereby allowing it to fold against hydrophobic region of the protein.

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