Answer :
Drove the Moors from Spain - Ferdinand and Isabella.
Ferdinand was the king of Aragon, and Isabella was the queen of Castille. They joined their kingdoms in 1492, and founded the Kingdom of Spain. The same year, the defeated and expelled the moors from Granada, the last muslim holding in Spain.
Codified the laws of Babylon - Hammurabi.
Hammurabi was a babylonian king who developed what is credited to be the first codified body of laws in history: the Hammurabi code. This code ruled Babylonian life just like the U.S. Constitution rules life in the United States.
Egyptian rulers who where considered divine - Pharaohs.
The Pharaohs were not only the supreme leaders of Egypt, but they also were seen as demi-gods whose role was to bridge between the deities and the mortals.
Ghenghis Khan - Mongol warrior who invaded China.
Ghenghis Khan invaded and conquered China, and also many other places in Central Asia. He founded the Mongol Empire, which was the second largest empire in history, only behind the British Empire.
Land between two rivers - Mesopotamia.
Mesopotamia literally means "land between two rivers". The two rivers are: the Euphrates and the Tigris, and this land corresponds to modern day Iraq and Syria.
Drove the Moors from Spain - Ferdinand and Isabella.
Ferdinand was the king of Aragon, and Isabella was the queen of Castille. They joined their kingdoms in 1492, and founded the Kingdom of Spain. The same year, the defeated and expelled the moors from Granada, the last muslim holding in Spain.
Codified the laws of Babylon - Hammurabi.
Hammurabi was a babylonian king who developed what is credited to be the first codified body of laws in history: the Hammurabi code. This code ruled Babylonian life just like the U.S. Constitution rules life in the United States.
Egyptian rulers who where considered divine - Pharaohs.
The Pharaohs were not only the supreme leaders of Egypt, but they also were seen as demi-gods whose role was to bridge between the deities and the mortals.
Ghenghis Khan - Mongol warrior who invaded China.
Ghenghis Khan invaded and conquered China, and also many other places in Central Asia. He founded the Mongol Empire, which was the second largest empire in history, only behind the British Empire.
Land between two rivers - Mesopotamia.
Mesopotamia literally means "land between two rivers". The two rivers are: the Euphrates and the Tigris, and this land corresponds to modern day Iraq and Syria.