6. 6. While printing a document, what are the options available in the Settings section?
7. What is a cell?
8. List the options in the Insert Cells Dialog Box.
9. Explain the three tabs in the Borders and Shading dialog box.
10. What is the default page orientation in MS Word?
11. What is the difference between the Print Layout View and the Outline View?
12. What is the difference between the collated and the uncollated option?
13. What is meant by indent? What are the different types of indent?
14. What is the difference between superscript and subscript?
15. What is the use of Table Styles facility in MS-Word?
16. What is the difference between Find and Replace options?
17. Explain the purpose of the clipboard?
18. What do the following signify in MS-Word :
a) A Red wavy line
b) A Green wavy line
19. Define a workbook.
20. What is Formula bar? How is it different from Name box?
21. What is the difference between a workbook and a worksheet?
22. What are the different ways of renaming a worksheet?
23. What kind of data can be entered into worksheets?
24. What is a Formula?
25. Explain the use of If function with the help of an example.
26. What are the different Insert Cell options?
27. What is the purpose of text wrapping?
28. What is the difference between Ignore Once and Ignore All?
29. Describe the method to calculate average in Excel.
30. Name the three options you can see in the message box while closing a presentation.
31. What is Reading View?
32. What is the use of the Text Box tool?
33. How can you insert multiple pictures at the same time in MS-Power point?
34. How can you change the colour scheme of a theme in MS-Power point?
35. How can you display the gallery of different background styles in MS-Power point?
36. How can new slides be added to a presentation?
Part A:
38. The checklist comprising of various elements of communication skills is called __________________.
39. The 'S' in SMART strategy stands for __________________.
40. ____________________ Skill is the ability to use your time, energy, and resources effectively to achieve goals.
41. Cultural competence comprises an understanding of all aspects of a culture that is, social, educational, and_____________.
42. _____________ is a person who takes a risk to produce goods and services in search of profit.
43. Green skill is the ability to__________________________.
44. Physical conditions that affect the communication process are called ______________barriers.
45. The most significant advantage of oral communication is that it provides an immediate_____________.
46. When we ____________ people, we overlook their individual qualities and therefore fail to understand and appeal to them.
47. A green economy is essential for ______________ sustainability and future prosperity.
48. What are the three most prominent factors that contribute to building confidence?
49. What is SWOT? How is it useful?
50. Mention any three steps we can take to organise our self.
51. How does the 'Opportunity' part of SWOT analysis help in developing self-confidence?
52. What are the benefits of learning entrepreneurial skills?
53. What are some advantages of running a corporation form of business organisation?
54. Explain with the help of an example that family background affects the entrepreneurial behaviour of people.
55. Mention any five characteristics that you possess that can help you to become a successful entrepreneur.


Answer :



The answers to questions is given below in explanation section



While printing a document, the following options are available in setting sections.


In this section the following setting options are available:

  • Print All Pages: This option is selected if you want to print all pages in document
  • Print Selection: This option is printing a section in a document
  • Custom Print: Allow custom print
  • Document Info: print document information
  • List of Markup: print all the listed markups
  • Print Markup: print mark up in your document
  • Only print odd pages: Print odd pages in document
  • Only print even pages: Print even pages in document
  • Pages: In this option, you can provide custom pages to print i.e. combination of both odds and evens. e.g. 1-5,7,9,10-12. This will print page 1 to 5, the print page 7 and 9, and then print page 10 to 12.
  • Print one sided: if you want to print on one side of paper
  • Manually print on both sided: if you want to print both sides of the paper
  • Collated: If you want to print more than one copy, then this option will print all document and then start printing from first page to last page and continue to your number of print copies.
  • Uncollated: If you print 3 copy of document, this option will start printing first page 3 times, then second page 3 times and so on.


  • Portait Orientation: this option is used for printing portrait page
  • Landscape orientation: this option is used to print on landscape of page

  • Page size: in this option, you can select different page sizes for printing.
  • Margins: This option allow you to set the margin of your printing page
  • Pages per sheet: This option allow you to print multiple page per sheet.

Answer (7)

A cell is an intersection between row and column in Excel on a spreadsheet. A cell in Excel starts from A1. A cell can contain different types of values for example string values, date values, text values, and numerical values, etc.

Cell also contains a reference to other cells in a spreadsheet.

To insert the value into a cell, first you have to select the particular cell, then click on it, and then enter a value in it. If you want to modify the cell value. for example, you may wrongly enter the number, 23456 instead of 24456. Then you may edit it in the formula bar because if you directly selected the cell, and start inserting value, you cant and you may lost the cell values.

Answer (8)

The following options are available in the Insert Cells Dialog Box.

To appear the insert cells dialog box, click any particular cell, where you want to insert the cell. Then click right-click, a window will open, in it, you can select the insert cell option. As you click on this option, a dialog box will appear with the following option.

  • Shift Cell Right: It will shift the selected cell to the right
  • Shift Cell Down: It will shift the selected cell to left
  • Entire Row: It will insert row below the selected cell
  • Entire Column: It will insert the column to the right of the selected cell

Answer (9)

Border and Shading dialog box appears after inserting a table. Insert table in a document, then select the table and right-click on it, then click on the table properties. A new dialog box will appear, in under table tab at the bottom, border and shading button is shown. Click on this button, as you click this button, Border and Shading dialog box will appear. In this option, you have different settings for the border.

Border: under this option, you can select different border style, color, and width for table, text, paragraph, and cell.

Page Border: In this option, you can select different border styles, border sizes, border arts and apply these to all documents or sections of the document. In this option, you have different settings for the border.

Shading: In this option, you can fill the table with color and also you can apply different patterns with color.

Answer (10):

The default orientation in MS word is portrait. Using this layout, the width of the document is smaller than the height of the document.

Answer (11)

The difference between the print layout and outline is given below:

  • The print layout shows the document in a way that how it would look like after printing, while outlook layout doesn't show how your document looks like on the page
  • In print layout, you can easily customize and modify your document, while in the layout you need to adjust the layout of the document and it is hard to do that
  • In print layout, you can easily adjust while inserting a new line while in layout it is quite difficult and each line is inserted with a bullet.
  • The print layout shows how the final print of the document looks like while the outline layout only shows the outlines of the document. Outline layout makes possible to collapse and expand different sections of the document to easily move blocks of text around the document. It is useful when you are looking at a document that has a large number of pages and sections.

Please find the rest of the solution is in attached word document.

${teks-lihat-gambar} asarwar

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