
Why are two balls connected by a spring a good model for two atoms connected by a chemical bond?

A) The magnitude of the force one atom exerts on another is proportional to the stretch or compression of the bond between them.

B) If the two atoms get farther apart than the equilibrium interatomic distance, they attract each other.

C) Each spring represents a real microscopic coiled metal wire that connects two adjacent atoms.

D) If the two atoms get closer together than the equilibrium interatomic distance, they repel each other.

Note: I already tried A B C and A B and A D and none of these combinations are correct.

Answer :


The three choices are correct where, choice (b) If the atoms are moved farther apart, they experience forces resisting the separation and begin to move toward each other. And for choice (c) If the atoms are pushed closer together, they experience forces resisting the compression and begin to move far away from each other. Choice (a) also correct where a spring exerts forces to bring balls (atoms) closer together and also exerts forces to move balls (atoms) apart.