Coercive Acts Committees of Correspondence direct tax Indirect tax A. colonial extralegal shadow governments that convened to coordinate plans of resistance against the British B. Set of 4--passed by Lord North to punish Massachusetts for destroying the tea and refusing to pay for the damage C. imposed on businesses rather than directly on consumers D. consumers pay to an entity rather than through merchants' higher prices 4 points

Answer :



I believe that two different questions have been mixed into one:

Coercive acts:

  • B) Set of 4 ACTS passed by Lord North to punish Massachusetts for destroying the tea and refusing to pay for the damage: THEY INCLUDED ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE ACT, MASSACHUSETTS GOVERNMENT ACT, PORT BILL AND THE QUARTERING ACT

Committees of Correspondence:

  • A) colonial extralegal shadow governments that convened to coordinate plans of resistance against the British


Massachusetts was the only colony that elected their own leaders since its charter allowed them more freedom than any other colony. After the Boston Tea Party, the British parliament decided to punish Massachusetts by sending their own governor and establishes severe penalties and laws. In a practical sense, the governor only ruled in Boston because the British were there, but the rest of Massachusetts remained extremely pro-independence and basically ruled itself as it had before.

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