
"where is a constant characteristic of the system. If time is measured is seconds, must be expressed in radians per second so that the quantity is expressed in radians.

Use this equation and the information you now have on the acceleration and speed of the block as it moves back and forth from one side of its equilibrium position to the other to determine the correct set of equations for the block's x components of velocity and acceleration, and , respectively. In the expressions below, and are nonzero positive constants.

a. vx=?Bsin?t, ax=Ccos?t
b. vx=Bcos?t, ax=Csin?t
c. vx=?Bcos?t, ax=?Ccos?t
d. vx=?Bsin?t, ax=?Ccos?"

Answer :


the answers the correct one is the A


A simple harmonic movement is described by an equation of type

          x = A cos (wt + Ф)

Where x is the displacement, A is the amplitude of the movement, w the angular velocity and Ф the phase of the system that can be determined with the initial conditions.

The speed is defined as

       v = dx / dt

Let's make the derivative

      v = -A sin (wt + Ф)

Acceleration is defined.

     a = dv / dt

     a = - A w² cos (wt + Ф)

Let's review  the answers the correct one is the A

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