The discoveries of Pierre Paul Broca and Karl Wernicke: (A) were later discredited by the work of psychologist Roger Sperry and his colleagues.(B) helped identify the key structures of the limbic system discredited the idea of cortical localization.(C) provided compelling evidence that language and speech functions are lateralized on the left hemisphere.

Answer :


(C) provided compelling evidence that language and speech functions are lateralized on the left hemisphere


Broca and Wernicke are scientists who are meritorious for discovery of language and speech centers being located on the left hemisphere. Further more, they found out two areas which got called by them - Broca's area and Wernicke's area. Broca's area is located in the frontal lobe of the dominant hemisphere which is mostly left. Its impact is connected to motor functions, to be more specific - to speech production. People who have this area damaged understand speech, but for them it is a problem to make a sentence and speak.

Wernicke's area is located in the further back section of the superior temporal gyrus in the (most commonly) left  hemisphere. This area is important for speech comprehension. People, who have this area damaged, have problems with understanding what was said to them and their sentences are grammatically correct, but have no meaning.

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