Answer :
sentido figurado se establece en función de la semejanza que guarda una palabra con una idea, concepto o sentimiento. Es decir, una palabra expresa una idea valiéndose de otra con la que guarda determinada analogía, sea real o imaginaria.
entonces "su cabello era dorado como una cascada de oro" quiere decir que la chica tenia él cabello muy rubio -como una cascada de oro- así que imagino que largo
entonces "su cabello era dorado como una cascada de oro" quiere decir que la chica tenia él cabello muy rubio -como una cascada de oro- así que imagino que largo
Her hair is like a waterfall of figurative gold
Talk about a girl's hair, which is very long and curly in beautiful yellow.
The above expression is a sentence of praise
Further explanation
Praise sentence is to state something positive about someone, sincerely and honestly. Praise is something that makes people who hear it flattered so that it can also provide motivation to people who are praised.
Praise is to state something positive about someone, sincerely and honestly. Praise is something that makes people who hear it flattered so that it can also provide motivation to people who are praised. Praise is very important, in order to show how we really like what someone said, did, or achieved. Praise makes people better.
Effective praise
- Short. If you continue to give praise, it will sound too excessive and far-fetched.
- Sincere. Listen to people talk and pay attention to what they are proud of. That's what needs to be praised.
- Specific. Praising with more specific compliments, For example, "the last recruitment was incredible! You really are good at choosing people!"
learn more
praise sentences
phrases / figures of speech
class: middle school
subject: Spanish
keywords: sentences, expressions, praise