Answer :

Answer: Kyrie, Gloria, credo, sanctus and agnus dei


The Renaissance music was affected several factors. Music was part of arts and an important one of European culture. In the middle age era, the catholic church rendered financial support to composers as well as musicians.

The Mass of the Catholic church was also an important part of the polyphonic music of the Renaissance. The five important parts of the Mass included the Kyrie, Credo, Sanctus, Gloria and Agnus Dei. Musicians combined choral music with vocal music to result in an intertwined compositions of both secular and religious music. The composers focused on motet, mass and the Chandon. Mass is considered as written form of the religious ceremony referred to as mass in the catholic church. Nonetheless, it was in secular music where music altered the most. Dufay & Co moved away from the restrictions of the ars antiqua and ars nova periods by inculcating free forms to the world of secular music. Also, Invention of printing press made instrumental music speed up.

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