Marlene works at a toy factory, where she is in charge of sewing the eyes onto stuffed animals. She has been doing this job for some time now and is becoming bored and dissatisfied with her job. As a result, the quality of her work is suffering and she has had several recent hand and wrist injuries. Which phenomenon does this scenario describe?
O job rotation
O decentralization
O job enrichment
O delegation of authority
O overspecialization

Answer :


Over Specialisation


Specialisation means allocating labour a  particularly specified sub part of the entire production process. This makes him/her efficient in specialised task & streamlines the entire production process as each labour is specialised in their own tasks. Specialisation increases over all efficiency & productivity.

However, it also has disadvantage of Over Specialisation by labour's perspective. The labour might get bored from the monotonous job, makes him/ her physically worn off due to the specialised task in a specific way (eg - hand & wrist injuries), he /she might not get opportunity to earn a new skill, also makes him. The last reason also makes labour over acquiring competence in the specialised task at cost of competence in other complementary skills, and makes his / her skill non transferable if he joins a similarly large company in same industry.

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