how does angelou use the order in which she relates the background information and events of her story to manipulate the readers emotions? why do you think she does this?

Answer :


Each generation is comprised by a number of individuals who are there to analyze the whole situation for themselves and the people who will come after them, these people irrespective of their gender and races to which they belong to have a very wide concept about humanity, and they do not take there time or some ones emotion all for granted because they know about the human nature from a very close range.

  • Across, the globe there have been many occurrences in which people and more over whole races are treated badly by the rest of the free folk but fortunately there are some people like Maya Angelou who stood against all odds and demanded the audience to hear about her and the people that he knew. It is not about being a women but there is always the need for a leader, an activist and a person who can tell the world about the things that have happened to that person or any one else and that person was Maya Angelou inside the United States. As, she wrote several poems and had the talent to sing many of her own lines so, that the world could know about her. She, was an black American and that she too faced the unfortunate behavior of people in that time, she wrote several piece of writing about it. And that she went on to raise the question about her rights and demanded an equality same as the rest of the people living inside the US. She went on to do several campaigns for human right cause and was accompanied by several of her companions and followers inside the US.
  • Her writings mostly include the situation of those that suffered due to the unwanted and unfortunate acts of slavery, as she wants her audiences and the readers to feel the same for the people who suffered just like she feels. Because, she felt that all of the people who live inside the region should act like one, as they all have the same set of rights and are able to raise the demand for there basic rights inside the region.

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