The diagram shows a thermometer used to measure temperature.

A thermometer has degrees Celsius on the left from negative 40 to 50 and degrees Fahrenheit on the right from negative 40 to 120. The degrees on the right are circled with a label A pointing to the circle.

The area on the thermometer marked with the letter A is called the


Answer :



  • The area on the thermometer marked with the letter A is called the scale.


The scale is where you can read the measured value.

The devices used to measure do it by comparisson: you have to compare the object, or the parameter that you want to measure, with a calibrated patttern which is named scale.

For instance, such as when you want to determine the length of a pencil, you compare it with a ruler, and the scale will permit you to tell the size in milimeters, and may be inches; in the case of this thermometer, you have two scales: degress Farenheit (on the left side of the thermometer) and degress Celsius (on the right side of the thermometer).

Thus the area marked with the letter A is called the scale, and there are two scales, Farenheit and Celsius.

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The area on the thermometer marked with letter A is called the scale.


The scale is where you can read the measured value.

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