Using the following table as your starting point for each algorithm SJN Given the following information: Job: A B C D E Arrival Time: 0 2 3 6 10 Time burst: 4 2 1 10 2 The turnaround time for a job is the completion time minus the arrival time what is the turnaround time for: Job A: Job B: Job C: Job D: Job E : What is the average turn around time for this algorithm with these jobs? The wait time for a job is the turn around time minus the burst time what is the wait time for: Job A: Job B: Job C: Job D: Job E: What is the average wait time for this algorithm with these jobs?

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Answer :


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The average turnaround time is 4.8 and average waiting time is 1.

Please note: Exit time is same as completion time.


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${teks-lihat-gambar} problemsolver2019

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