Consider the two level (AND-OR) function f1(A, B, C, D) = AC0D + AB0D0 and two level (OR-AND) function f2(A, B, C, D) = (A+B +D0 )(B0 +C +D0 ). Find the following two level circuits expressions for f1 and f2. (Hint: use both SOP and POS form of f1 and f2

Answer :



Answer for the question :

"Consider the two level (AND-OR) function f1(A, B, C, D) = AC0D + AB0D0 and two level (OR-AND) function f2(A, B, C, D) = (A+B +D0 )(B0 +C +D0 ). Find the following two level circuits expressions for f1 and f2. (Hint: use both SOP and POS form of f1 and f2"

is explained in the attachment.


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