UNIX treats file directories in the same fashion as files; that is, both are defined by the same type of data structure, called an inode. As with files, directories include a nine-bit protection string. If care is not taken, this can create access control problems. For example, consider a file with protection mode 644 (octal) contained in a directory with protection mode 730. How might the file be compromised in this case? What are the limitations? Hint: This is a relatively famous exploit. Give specific commands that will accomplish the exploit.

Answer :


The explanation is listed in the Explanation section below.


All the UNIX directories or files have their summary contained in such an' inode ' format. The inode includes data regarding the current location and size of a file, final release duration, last change time, authorization, etc. Directories are always shown as files and also have an inode connected to them.Unless the folder is big, a list of references to existing data points is implicitly pointed to by inode.

It is composed of the relevant areas:

  • Type of file.
  • Connect number.
  • Position of data throughout the file.
  • Admin privileges to access files.

The system or device command is mkdir and rm (mode) to build directory.

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