
LifeAura, a lifestyle accessories store, organizes its workforce into different divisions such as home décor, sports, clothing, and electronics. In this scenario, which of the following organizational structures does LifeAura most likely follow?
A) Functional departmentalization
B) Product departmentalization
C) Customer departmentalization
D) Geographic departmentalization

Answer :

Option B

LifeAura most likely follow Product departmentalization


Product departmentalization typically classifies responsibilities correlated to a distinct product or product line below one senior manager who practices in that perspective of the company's business.

The departments in this kind of company function autonomously from each other and are frequently more expert at reacting to flexibly varying circumstances. When a firm has a extensive variety of products, product departmentalization is a sensible choice. Here lifestyle accessories store has several categories of products so product departmentalization  is the best choice.

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