Answer :

No.  Terrell is not correct.  Terrell is incorrect.  The method he offers is
inappropriate, inapplicable, and lacks veracity, and as a mathematician,
Terrell himself is devoid of integrity.  If his method is implemented, it
cannot accurately compute the capacity of Dominic's water jug in fluid
ounces.  It will produce a number that is inaccurate, fallacious, mistaken,
erroneous, and incorrect.  Moreover, the solution will be wrong.

If the units are carried through with the calculation ... as always they must ...
then it will immediately become clear that Terrell's method has produced a
solution with units of  "square quarts per ounce", whereupon any witnesses
should justifiably become nauseous.  Terrell's method should be disdained,
rejected, discarded and ignored.

==> 1.25 should not be "divided" by 32. 

==> Instead, 1.25 should be multiplied by 32.

The modified method will produce a result with units of "fluid ounces" ...
the first indication to the assembled multitude that whatever the number
is, there is a reasonable chance that it could be a correct one.

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