Answer :
Create an advertisement to sell me something. Include some of the persuasive language techniques you have been studying to convince me your product/service is the BEST (ex: emotional appeal, generalizations, logic, bandwagon, hyperbole). You can read your sales pitch using the recorder tools in the submission folder is given below
We use language to appeal to emotion in our everyday conversation. It's also beneficial when delivering a persuasive speech, making it a fan-favorite of politicians, public figures, advertisers, and corporations. Let's take a look at some loaded language examples to get a better sense.
Some common examples would be appeal to pity, appeal to anger, appeal to fear, and appeal to pride. Those are types of overt appeals to emotion. Examples: Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, look at this miserable man, in a wheelchair, unable to use his legs.
What fallacies are commonly used in arguments?
- Drake's List of The Most Common Logical Fallacies.
- Ad Hominem. ...
- Affirming the Consequent. ...
- Argument From Authority. ...
- Argument From Ignorance or Non-Testable Hypothesis. ...
- Band Wagon. ...
- Begging the Question or Circular Argument. ...
- Dogmatism.
An emotional advertising appeal depends more on feelings and perceptions than logic or reason to provoke action.
1 Personal Appeal. ...
2 Social Appeal. ...
3 Humor Appeal. ...
4 Fear Appeal. ...
5 Sexual Appeal. ...
6 Romantic Appeal. ...
7 Endorsement Appeal. ...
8 Youth Appeal.
The Purpose of an Emotional Appeal
- An emotional appeal is directed to sway an audience member's emotions and uses the manipulation of the recipient's emotions rather than valid logic to win an argument.