You work on the marketing team for a software development company. You have sales representatives in different locations around the globe. When a product update is released, your team holds teleconferences to demo new features. Due to time differences, these demos are difficult to schedule and usually require multiple demo sessions to accommodate different geographic regions. You want to streamline the new product demos and decide to recommend electronic communication tools to help facilitate this. Which electronic communication tool would you recommend? A podcast E-mail A wiki

Answer :


The correct answer is letter "A": A podcast.


Podcasts are recordings in which speakers talk about certain topics in the form of an interview providing explanations, details, and information that could be of interest to the target audience. Podcasts do not require the interaction between the speaker and the audience and can be accessed by individuals from different devices as long as the speaker and the audience share the same platform.

Thus, podcasts can replace the teleconferences in the case providing employees access to the updated information regardless of the time zone.

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