Answer :
- Call / response : a statement is made or a question asked, and the response or answer follows.
- 12 bar : The twelve-bar blues is one of the most prominent chord progressions in popular music.
- Blue tonality : blues tonality consists of a scale, the blues scale, accompanied by characteristic microtonal blue notes in between the scale tones.
- Call / Response - Sometimes the response is simply a repetition of the leader's call, and sometimes it's a traditional statement of affirmation. You hear this in music of all kinds, but most notably in the blues.
- 12 bar : The blues progression has a distinctive form in lyrics, phrase, chord structure, and duration. In its basic form, it is predominantly based on the I, IV, and V chords of a key.
- Blue tonality : Blues harmony comprises chords whose roots are blues scale notes, but whose other constituent pitches may be drawn from the entire chromatic scale.