Answer :
Trialability nos defined as the ease or convinience with which customers can test a product or service. This is particularly useful when new and innovative nproducts are released. Customers will need to try it before buying, and of they have a good experience it will boost sales of the product.
If a product has good trialability results the customers who conducted the trials will promote the product for the comapay, thereby improving diffusion of the product.
Trialability refers to how easy it is for a customer to try a new product or service. Trialability is very important to attract new customers, because if it is too difficult or expensive for them to consume a new product or service they will not do it.
Very few products get enough attention and publicity to attract large amounts of customers by themselves, e.g. the iPhone in 2007 when customers would wait for hours just to buy it. But really, how many Steve Jobs are left in the world?
The vast majority of products and services (not only new ones, but existing also), need to reach their potential customers, since their potential customers will not come running to buy them.
The traditional way to promote products was to give away samples in supermarkets or malls, or let someone test use something, but now trialability has become increasingly important in the service industry. It is common that most internet services and software have a 30 day (or shorter) trial period. As competition grows, companies will try harder to reach out to their potential customers.