
the generative cell of male angiosperm gametophytes are haploid. This cell divides to produce two haploid sperm cells. What type of cell division doe the generative cell undergo to produce these sperm cells?

Answer :


  • The generative cell of male angiosperm gametophytes are haploid. This cell divides to produce two haploid sperm cells. The cells goes through the process of meiosis in order to form or produce these sperm cells.


  • Meiosis- The process of cell division that involves the formation of such form of offspring that posses half the number of chromosomes as compared to that of the parent cells.
  • The gametes i.e sperm and ova are produced through the process of meiosis in general.
${teks-lihat-gambar} EmranUllah

Answer: The generative cell under go "MITOSIS" to produce two haploid cell, which are the generative nucleus and the tube nucleus which has equal number of chromosome.

Explanation: Angiosperm which has its Scientific name as Magnoliophta are the most common group of plants that have flowers and produces seed that are enclosed within a carpel. The male angiosperms produces the pollen grains that carries the sperm cells.

Mitosis is a type of cell division, where the cell divided into two, to produces two cells that looks similar and with the same number of chromosome. This cells are called haploid cells because they have a single type of nucleus.

Mioses is a type of cell division that produces diploid cell.

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