Most scientists think that a small group of finches colonized the Galápagos Islands thousands of years ago. They would've been the only seed eating birds on the islands. Suppose one island was very dry and another had plentiful rainfall.

A. How would the finch populations on these islands change over time?
B. What might happen to the finch populations after millions of years?

Answer :

A. The finch population will have their beaks modified for dry island they will have bigger beaks and for rainy island they will prefer medium or short beaks.

B. After millions of years they will be geographically isolated species.


Finches will have their beaks modified and adapt to the environment around them so that they could survive the dry environment. The one which modified as larger beaked increases its survival as nutrition depends on it. The process of natural selection will help them evolve.

The one having rainfall the finches would have medium to smaller sized beak so that seed eating is adapted as their food habit.

After millions of years the two finches on different islands would adapt to the environment they are in. The evolution of the two finches will be different from each other. They would get differ in their eating habitats and so on. The finches will become geographically isolated species.

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