The assignment for this lesson is to write and present an explanatory essay that demonstrates what people can learn about themselves by exploring the perspectives of others. How can the viewpoints of people from another country, culture, religion, or race, for example, teach you about your own viewpoint?

Answer :


Yes, people's viewpoints from another country, culture, religion, or race, can teach me about my viewpoint through the process of Acculturation & Assimilation.


Assimilation and acculturation start to occur as soon as two cultures come into meaningful contact. In assimilation, the minority culture is fully absorbed into the majority culture. Acculturation occurs when the minority culture changes but is still able to retain unique cultural markers of language, food and customs.

In getting involved in the praxis of the two above-mentioned concepts. The marriage of these concepts helps me to explore my culture and environment critically when I come in contact and/or read about other people, their cultures and locations. The praxis elicits my potentialities in respect of exploring my talents and resources within my environment. My prospects are aligned with that of my contemporaries from other climes to assess my rate of successes and failures given my environment and challenges. I have learnt from other cultures to look-inwards to finding solutions to either imposed or local challenges. Taking a cue from the Japanese philosophy, "If we don't have it, we don't need it,"  I have been able to improvise for the learning resources using technology to augment for the deficiencies inherent in my country's ailing education system. I have also learnt from my study of the different types of economic systems that Karl Max (In Das Capitol: The Communist manifesto) did not propound Communism as an economic system because my People of the IGBO extraction in Nigeria, have been practising it from the origin.

Moreover, I have also learnt from the examination of an imported sample of clay for landscaping that the refined clay from the Anthills was far better-off. I only need to explore the various techniques of the ants to arrive at a scientific way of mass-producing the clay for local and export purposes.

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