Answer :
Answer:vitamins A, D, E, K
Explanation:vitamins A, D, E, K can be classified bases on their solubility. Most dissolve in water,because they are water- soluble.
Vitamin A maintain our vision,absence of it will make you go blind. It is known as retinoids which is group of fat-soluble.vitamin A functions include vision,immune function and reproduce health.
Sourse includes liver and fish oil,provitamin A carotenoid and beta-carotene found in vegetables.
Vitamin D is produce by the skin when expose to sunlight. It is important for strong bone,its deficiency leads to bone fracture. Vitamin D comes in two dietary form Vitamin D2(ergocalciferol): found in mushrooms.Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol): Found in animal.
Vitamin E protects against premature aging.its role is antioxidant, protecting cells against free radicals.
Sources of vitamin E are peanut butter, margarine, fatty fish and fish.
Vitamin k without it,you will run the risk of bleeding to death. Vitamin k role is blood clotting. Its a group of fat- soluble compound.
Sources of vitamin k is vitamin K3 (menadione), vitamin K4 (menadiol diacetate) and vitamin K5.