
share your perspective on the association of AOD use and high-risk sexual behaviors??

Answer :



You’re taking a huge risk.


When you’re under the influence, your decisions are impaired. When you’re impaired you lack the ability to be able to calculate the dangers of the risks you’re taking. If one of those is high risk sexual behaviors you may end up with an STD or even pregnant. Often times people in those situations can not afford to get the treatment/ help required. Or if it’s an addiction, often they won’t seek help.

Answer:Examined the relationship between drug use and homosexual behavior at risk for transmitting human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in 3,916 men who participated in the Multi center acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) Cohort Study reported by R. Kaslow et al (1987) and J. S. Chmiel et al (1987). Results confirm both cross-sectional and sequential relationships between recreational drug use and high risk sexual behavior previously reported in single-city cohorts (e.g., J. L. Martin et al, 1988). Continuation of high-risk sexual behaviors was related to baseline numbers of sexual partners and recreational drug use.


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