Using your notes about loyalty in the first act of Julius Caesar, describe the character Cassius as either a betrayer or a patriot. Your opinion of this character may change as you analyze the other acts, but your response to this question should focus on Act I only. Write one paragraph of three to five sentences to support your observation of Cassius. Use proper spelling and grammar.

Answer :

Cassius is the one who tried to let Brutus turn against Caesar  and convince Brutus to be  a traitor and a betrayers. It turns out that Cassius was deeply jealous to Caesar especially that he he talks about how he save Caesar on the water, Caesar just said that he purposely do that and act like drowning. Cassius also tell Brutus how Caesar stumble over everyone and see all of them as his underlings so this mere fact makes Cassius jealous to Caesar and let Brutus joins him

Cassius is a talented general who knows Caesar for a longer time. He makes Brutus believe that Caesar has become too powerful and therefore he must die. Cassius converts Brutus to his cause. He achieves it by sending him forged letters which claims that the Roman people wants Caesar dead. Although Cassius has no idea how the politics work, his character shows shrewd, manipulative, impulsive and unscrupulous attributes.