# include <iostream>
using namespace std;
bool IsLeapYear(int y)
int main()
int y;
cout<<"Enter the Year to check Leap or Not"<<endl;
IsLeapYear(int y);
bool IsLeapYear(int y)
if (y%4==0)
if (y%100==0)
if (y%400==0 )
cout<"The year is leap Year";
cout<<" The year is not Leap Year";
cout<<"The year is Leap Year" ;
cout<<"The year is not Leap Year";
In this program a function has been defined named as IfLeapYear, to check that whether the entered year is leap year or not. An year taken as integer data type named as y to enter the year to check. If the year is divisible by 4 but not divisible by 100 is the leap year. If the year is divisible by 4, divisible by 100 and also divisible by 400 is the century year and is also the leap year.
To check all the statements, Nested if-else conditions has been used to check multiple requirements of the leap year.