Study the code segment below to see what it will output. Values of x and y will be displayed multiple times during the running of the program, and you might recognize a pattern. From the list of possible outputs listed two (2) are IMPOSSIBLE. Choose the two (2) outputs that are impossible for this code to produce.

Answer :

Values of x and y will be displayed multiple times during the running of the program, and you might recognize a pattern.

The outputs that are impossible for this code to produce are :

  • 0,0
  • 2,4

Explanation :

The code can take in any outputs, but it will be impossible for this code to produce 0,0 and 2,4

x <- 0

REPEAT_UNTIL( x = 3 ){

y <- 0

x <- x+1

REPEAT_UNTIL ( y = 3 ){

y <- y+1

DISPLAY( x + ", " + y)



There will be an output when you input

  • 1,1  
  • 2,1
  • 2,2

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