Answer :
Complete code with step by step comments for explanation and output results are given below.
Python Code with Explanation:
# Initialize the counter total_bugs to store the running total of bugs
total_bugs = 0
# Define number of days
days = 5
# Use a for loop to run for "days" number of times to take input from user
for i in range(days):
# i+1 makes sure the days start from 1 rather than 0
print('Please enter the no. of bugs collected on day',i+1)
# Ask the user to input no. of bugs collected each day
bugs = eval(input("Bugs collected: "))
# Keep adding new number of bugs into running total of number of bugs
total_bugs += bugs
# Print the total number of bugs collected in 5 days
print('The total number of bugs collected in 5 days: ', total_bugs)
Please enter the no. of bugs collected on day 1
Bugs collected: 10
Please enter the no. of bugs collected on day 1
Bugs collected: 20
Please enter the no. of bugs collected on day 1
Bugs collected: 15
Please enter the no. of bugs collected on day 1
Bugs collected: 10
Please enter the no. of bugs collected on day 1
Bugs collected: 30
The total number of bugs collected in 5 days: 85