A bug collector collects bugs every day for 5 days. Write a program that keeps a running total of the number of bugs collected during the five days. The loop should ask for the number of bugs collected for each day, and when the loop is finished, the program should display the total number of bugs collected.

Answer :


Complete code with step by step comments for explanation and output results are given below.

Python Code with Explanation:

# Initialize the counter total_bugs to store the running total of bugs  

total_bugs = 0

# Define number of days

days = 5

# Use a for loop to run for "days" number of times to take input from user

for i in range(days):

# i+1 makes sure the days start from 1 rather than 0

   print('Please enter the no. of bugs collected on day',i+1)

# Ask the user to input no. of bugs collected each day

   bugs = eval(input("Bugs collected: "))

# Keep adding new number of bugs  into running total of number of bugs

   total_bugs += bugs

# Print the total number of bugs collected in 5 days

print('The total number of bugs collected in 5 days: ', total_bugs)


Please enter the no. of bugs collected on day 1

Bugs collected: 10

Please enter the no. of bugs collected on day 1

Bugs collected: 20

Please enter the no. of bugs collected on day 1

Bugs collected: 15

Please enter the no. of bugs collected on day 1

Bugs collected: 10

Please enter the no. of bugs collected on day 1

Bugs collected: 30

The total number of bugs collected in 5 days: 85

${teks-lihat-gambar} nafeesahmed

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