Answer :
The chosen work was the "Lost Paradise" written by John Milton.
In "Lost Paradise", the main characters are Adam and Eve. Ambps has very unusual origins, while Adam was made of clay by the hands of God himself; Eve, was created from the rib of Adam, also by God.
This creation allowed God to create these two characters the way he wanted, for this reason, both are pure, kind, without any trace of evil, ambiguity and anything that is not good, full and beautiful.
As people do not know evil, they are extremely innocent and live a very good life in a paradise, where they have everything they need. The characters live in constant contact with their creator and owe him all obedience. However, all this innocence allows these characters to be deceived and disobey their creator.
Disobedience is a bad thing, which is not tolerated in perfect beings like them. As a result, the innocence, kindness and fullness of the characters ends, they know the evil, the lie, the shame, the fear and everything that is bad in the universe. In addition to disappointing the creator.
God punishes them, but allows them to live, but a much more difficult life, with less perks, a lot of effort, pain and tiredness, however, God speaks for them to have children and promises that one day one of his descendants will take revenge on that one who deceived them and caused them to be expelled from paradise.
"Lost Paradise" is an epic poem and seeks to explain to the reader how the human being was made by God and corrupted by the devil. However, the work explains how the messiah's promise came about and what his greatest goal was.