For the first option your program should then ask the user for which row and column in the array to replace, and what value will it be replaced with. For the second option your program should run through all values held in the 2D array and calculate their summation. For the third option your program should print out the contents of the 2D array one row at a time. When given the fourth option your program should simply exit.

Answer :



#Data section


#Set align

.align 2

#Declare row 1

M1: .word 1, 2, 3

#Declare row 2 elements

M2: .word 4, 5, 6

#Declare row 3 elements

M3: .word 7, 8, 9

#Declare row 4 elements

M4: .word 10, 11, 12

#Declare row 5 elements

M5: .word 13, 14, 15

#Create 5x3 array

M: .word M1, M2, M3, M4, M5

#Set number of rows

nRows: .word 5

#Set number of columns

nCols: .word 3

#Declare string menu

menu: .asciiz "\n The following are the choices:\n"

#Declare string for option 1

op1: .asciiz "1. Replace a value:\n"

#Define string for option 2

op2: .asciiz "2. Calculate the sum of all values\n"

#Define string for option 3

op3: .asciiz "3. Print out the 2D array \n"

#Define string for option 4

op4: .asciiz "4. Exit\n"

#Define string for prompt

urOpt: .asciiz "Enter your option:"

#Define string for row

prompt1: .asciiz "Enter row (1-5):"

#Define string for column input

prompt2: .asciiz "Enter column (1-3):"

#Define string to get the replace value

getVal: .asciiz "Enter the new value:"

#Define strinct to display sum

sumStr: .asciiz "\nThe sum is :"

#Define string

dispStr: .asciiz "The 2D array is:\n"

#Define string to print new line

newLine: .asciiz "\n"

#Define string to put comma

comma: .asciiz ","

#text section




#Block prints the 2D array



#Load integer to print string in $v0

li $v0, 4

#Load the address of string to display

la $a0, dispStr

#Display the string


#Load the base address of the row 1

la $s0, M1

#Load the nRows

lw $t0, nRows

#Initialize the counter for outer loop

li $t7, 0

#Outer loop begins


#Check condition

beq $t7, $t0, displayMenu

#Load the integer to print string

li $v0, 4

#Load the base address of newLine

la $a0, newLine

#Display newLine


#Initialize counter for inner loop

li $t2, 0

#Set the limit

lw $t3, nCols

#Decrement value

addi $t3, $t3, -1

#inner loop starts


#Check condition

beq $t2, $t3, exitInLoop1

#Load the integer to print number

li $v0, 1

#Load the value

lw $a0, ($s0)

#Display the integer


#Load the integer to print string

li $v0, 4

#Load the base address of the string comma to display

la $a0, comma

#Display comma


#Increment inner loop counter value

addi $t2, $t2, 1

#Move to next element

addi $s0, $s0, 4

#jump to inner loop

j inLoop1

#Exit from inner loop


#Load integer to print last column value

li $v0, 1

#Load the load column value

lw $a0, ($s0)

#Print value


#Move to next element

addi $s0, $s0, 4

#Increment outer loop counter

addi $t7, $t7, 1

#Jump to start of the outer loop

j outLoop1

#Prints the menus to the user


#Load integer value to print string

li $v0, 4

#Load the address of the string "menu"

la $a0, menu

#Print the string


#Load the integer value to print string

li $v0, 4

#Load the address

la $a0, op1

#Print the string


#Load the integer value to print string

li $v0, 4

#Load the address

la $a0, op2

#Print string


#Load integer value to print string

li $v0, 4

#Load address of op3

la $a0, op3

#Print string


#Load integer value to print string

li $v0, 4

#Load the address

la $a0, op4

#Print string


#Load integer value to print sting

li $v0, 4

#Load address

la $a0, urOpt

#Print string


#Load the integer to read int value

li $v0, 5

#Read value


#Move value

move $t0, $v0

#Initialize values

li $t1, 1

li $t2, 2

li $t3, 3

li $t4, 4

#Check user wishes option 1

beq $t0, $t1, replaceBlock

#Check user wishes option 2

beq $t0, $t2, sumBlock

#Check user wishes option 3

beq $t0, $t3, print2DArray

#Check user wishes to exit

beq $t0, $t4, EndProgram

#Jump to start of the menu

j displayMenu

#Block to replace a value in the 2d array


#Load integer

li $v0, 4

#load address

la $a0, prompt1

#Print string


#Read row value

li $v0, 5


#Store the row value in $t6

move $t6, $v0

#Get the index

addi $t6, $t6, -1

#Load integer

li $v0, 4

#Load address

la $a0, prompt2

#Print string


#Read column value

li $v0, 5


#Store the column value in $t7

move $t7, $v0

#Get the index for the column

addi $t7, $t7, -1

#Load integer

li $v0, 4

#Load address

la $a0, getVal

#Print string


#Read the new value

li $v0, 5


#Store the new value in $t5

move $t5, $v0

#Load the base address of M

la $s0, M

#Get M[i]

#two times left shift

sll $t1, $t6, 2

#address of pointer M[i]

add $t1, $t1, $s0

#Get address of M[i]

lw $t3, ($t1)

#Get M[i][j]

#two times left shift

sll $t4, $t7, 2

#Get address of M[i][j]

add $t4, $t3, $t4


See continuation of the code attached

also, See output attached

${teks-lihat-gambar} akindeleot
${teks-lihat-gambar} akindeleot
${teks-lihat-gambar} akindeleot

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