Answer :
1. He believes all public higher education should be free.
College is imperative for career success nowadays, but with it costing anywhere from $20,000-$60,000 a year, it’s not always an option for people. Education is a right that every citizen should be able to access if they choose, not a privilege for the financially stable.
2. He’s against tax breaks for the 1 percent.
Sanders thinks that this nation belongs to everyone, not only the millionaires and billionaires. He believes that the only way to rebuild our infrastructure, create more jobs, and reduce wealth inequality is to raise the taxes on one-percenters.
3. He believes that we should stop outsourcing our goods manufacturing.
We shouldn't outsource to other countries to make our goods while many of our own citizens remain jobless.
4. He believes in the regulation of Wall Street.
Need I say more?
5. He’s Jewish.
More importantly, he would be the first non-Christian president the United States has ever had. While anti-Semitism isn't a major issue in the US, it is still an issue nonetheless. Additionally, it would curb the influence that the "because the Bible says so" argument has on decisions that affect the entire country.