Select the four challenges facing ebusiness.
1. Managing podcasting and videoconferencing
2. Building content management systems
3. Adhering to taxation rules
4. Ensuring consumer protection
5. Identifying limited market segments
6. Managing consumer trust

Answer :


Adhering to taxation rules, Ensuring consumer protection, Identifying limited market segments,  Managing consumer trust


E Business is a business having major or all of its transactions, on internet medium. Eg : E Commerce (Online shopping) businesses, Online educational courses businesses.

Audio Podcasting & Video-Conferencing are not E Businesses challenges. As these are their expertise areas, being an online business. Also, the user flexibility they offer is inherent USP of online businesses. Similar is the case for content management systems.

However, lacking physical existence in markets, face to face interaction with customers : They face challenges like - identifying limited market segments, consumer trust & consumer protection. Also, all their variant transactions (with different tax slabs) being online, the return policies - might make taxation rule adherance also a potential challenge for them.

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