
In California, undocumented migrants are often blamed for high unemployment in the state, although statistics show that high unemployment is not related to the number of illegal migrants. In this example, illegal migrants are victims of ________: the act of blaming an out-group when the in-group experiences frustration or is blocked from obtaining a goal. scapegoating central route in-group asch

Answer :




Scapegoat: In social psychology, the term "scapegoat" is determined as the propensity of an individual to blame or make responsible for something to someone else for one's own mistakes or problems that often leads to develop feelings or prejudice towards the group or person that he or she is blaming.

However, "scapegoating" represents an opportunity to described misdeeds or failure while maintaining or carrying out one's own positive "self-image".

In the question above, the given statement represents scapegoating.

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