Answer :
See explaination
Given a set U which is the set of magnets where each magnet representing a symbol, but are accepted more copies of the same symbol which we number arbitrarily 1,2,3,. ... For example if we had two copies of the symbol A, we would have elements A 1 ,A 2 ) and subsets S 1 ,...S n which represent words formed from the magnets that Madison knows how to spell. Note that if ‘’CAT” was a word in Madison’s vocabulary, then both of the sets C,A 1 ,T and C,A 2 ,T would appear among the S i . We are interested in the maximum number of disjoint sets (which correspond to words in Madison’s vocabulary that can be simultaneously spelled out by the magnet pieces).
We reduce Independent Set (IS) to Set Packing. Given an instance of IS ( G,k ), we set U to be the set of edges of G . For each vertex v i , we introduce a set S i = { e : e = ( v i ,x ) } which has one element for each edge incident to v i . We claim that G has an independent set of size k iff there are k disjoint sets among the S i . Indeed, if I is an independent set of size k then the k sets S v for v ∈ I have no common elements. Also, if { S i 1 ,...,S i k } are k disjoint sets then the vertices v i 1 ,...,v i k have no edges between them thus they form an independent set of size.