Answer :
Answer: The "Fundamental Shift in Power" means, the shift from the established media outlets such as publishers, television, radio, newspapers, and major distribution.
Explanation: Before Social Media, you had a better chance of winning the lottery than getting a legitimate publisher, publishing your book. Now, you can self publish, for free, and have it distributed worldwide for free on Amazon along with their other 3.5m books. If you want your own radio talk show, just get a free account with BlogTalkRadio. No longer do you have to pitch Clear Channel your topic, prove you have a 100k listener base and give them a check for $250,000. It's free.
All of the previously difficult and expensive forms of communications and distribution channels are now available to everyone for free. I call it the "democratization of technology".
consumers trusting reviews from fellow consumers more than corporate messages
Explanation: plato!