Answer :
Knowing French can help you academically because you will be more diverse in your knowledge. You will learn the roots of words and be able to understand other words based on what you learned from French. Personally, you may travel and be at an advantage when traveling and be able to communicate in a new area. You may also be able to help people that are visiting and don't speak English. Professionally, you may be at an advantage because companies seek employees that are bi and multi lingual. In a job like teaching it can benefit you to know other languages so you can comnmunicate with parents and students that are English Language Learners. Knowing French or any other language can benefit you and others in life.
French is the second most useful language in the world for business. Studying French makes you smarter. Financially speaking. Studies show that speaking French alone can help you earn $75k in bonuses over your career. You also get many more job opportunities .