Dora drove east at a constant rate of 75 kph. One hour later, Tim started driving on the same road at a constant rate of 90 kph. For how long was Tim driving, before he caught up to Dora? 
I have tried to use a table
i set it up like this
Dora  | d     |75      |t      |
Tim   |d       |90      |t+1  |
and then I went and i tried to put it into an equation
-90t -90t
____ ____
-15 -15
but It is not an answer on my multiple choice and it wouldn't be a negative 12 hours

Answer :

Ok so let T=time from when Tim starts
Distance Tim travels= T*90
Distance Dora travels=T*75 + 75  (<as already started)
for him to have caught up His distance must equal hers so:
90T=75T + 75  (now minus 75T)
15T=75  (now divide by 15)
T=5 :)
So five hourse, hope this helped :)


The answer is 5 Hours

Step-by-step explanation:

I took a quiz and according to that its correct

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