Answer :
chi^2 (X^2) test statistic will be used, as per the following steps procedure, and summary will be given based on its calculated & critical value
Step-by-step explanation:
The test statistic chi^2 (X^2) is used to test the relationship between two categorical variables. In given case, companies want to analyse whether celebrities' gender in advertisements affect the brand awareness among public. Chi^2 (X^2) will be used as test statistic in the case, because it involves categorical variables - male or female celebrities, brand identified or not identified.
- Matrix of celebrities gender & awareness level will be used for following formula.
- Null Hypothesis [H0] = Rows & columns, or celebrity gender & brand recognition are unrelated
- Alternate Hypothesis [H1] = Rows & columns, or celebrity gender & brand recognition are related
(X^2) = [Observed count - Expected Count]^2 / Observed count, where observed count = [ (Row Total) (Column Total)] / Grand Total
- If Chi^2 test statistic calculated value > tabulated critical value at significance level, we reject null hypothesis & state that celebrity gender & brand recognition are related
- If chi^2 test statistic calculated value < tabulated critical value at significance level, we don't reject null hypothesis & state that celebrity gender & brand recognition are unrelated