Answer :
To answer the above question , the closest and which includes all human, animal and realted welfare is
"The environment should be protected in the name of serving future generations’ welfare".
Explanation : when it comes to buisness, ethics and moral with code of conduct the ultimate reason behind this is to make the better world to serve future generation with all such discipline and carry forward the same positive approach towards all human, animal and other welfare's.
By this above option/approach is different and consider a cumulative welfare for better world to serve future generation.
Coming to other option/approach is only specific to certain groups only and it does'nt through light on other's welfare.
To add more , "when you focus on one group of welfare success will be there but if you focus and prioritize together with better competency and required area success path is wide and opened"
So saving and serving the environment to future generation is high valued and required. By this we can able to match the ethical, moral and social responsibality.