Answer :
D. corticoids 1. Hormones secreted by the adrenal cortex
K. endocrine gland 2. Glands which are ductless and secrete their products directly into the circulatory system
E. epinephrine 3. An adrenal hormone (adrenaline) that stimulates autonomic nerve action
I. glucagon 4. The hormone secreted by the pancreas which raises the blood sugar level
H. hormone 5. Chemical produced in one part of the body which has its effect on another part
B. insulin 6. A pancreatic hormone which lowers the level of blood sugar
J. islets of Langerhans 7. The region within the pancreas which produces insulin
A. parathyroid gland 8. Four small endocrine glands within the thyroid gland in the neck
G. parathyroid hormone 9. A hormone secreted by the parathyroid gland which regulates calcium metabolism.
C. thyroid gland 10. A gland in the neck that produces the hormone thyroxine
F. thyroxine 11. A hormone which regulates the rate of body metabolism
Step-by-step explanation:
D.) corticoids #1. Hormones secreted by the adrenal cortex
K.) endocrine gland #2. Glands which are ductless and secrete their products directly into the circulatory system
E.) epinephrine #3. An adrenal hormone (adrenaline) that stimulates autonomic nerve action
I.) glucagon #4. The hormone secreted by the pancreas raises the blood sugar level
H.) hormone #5. Chemical produced in one part of the body which has its effect on another part
B.) insulin #6. A pancreatic hormone which lowers the level of blood sugar
J.) islets of Langerhans #7. The region within the pancreas which produces insulin
A.) parathyroid gland #8. Four small endocrine glands within the thyroid gland in the neck
G.) parathyroid hormone #9. A hormone secreted by the parathyroid gland which regulates calcium metabolism.
C.) thyroid gland #10. A gland in the neck that produces the hormone thyroxine
F.) thyroxine #11. A hormone which regulates the rate of body metabolism
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