Need someone to write me a DBQ. It’s been hard to keep up with school and if I don’t get this done I’m going to fail this course.

This is the information

Document 1 Source: The Qur’an, book of Islam

O you who believe! Spend on others out of the good things you may have acquired, and out of that which god brings forth for you from the earth; and choose not for your charity things that you yourselves would not want or accept without averting your eyes in disdain. Satan threatens you with the prospect of poverty and bids you to be stingy, but god is infinite, all- knowing, granting wisdom unto whom He wills.

Whatever you may spend on others, or vow to spend, god knows it; and those who do wrong by withholding charity shall have no one to comfort them. If you do deeds of charity openly, it is well, but if you bestow it upon the needy in secret, it will be even better for you, and it will atone for some of your bad deeds.

Document 2 Source: Chana ya, advisor to the first Mauryan emperor, Arthashastra, economic and political treatise, circa 250 B.C.E.

The Superintendent of Commerce shall monitor demand and the changing prices of various kinds of merchandise, both domestically produced and brought from other countries. He shall also determine the time suitable for the distribution, purchase, and sale of various kinds of merchandise. He shall avoid setting prices that allow for such large profits for merchants as to harm the people.

All those who sell merchandise shall submit to the Superintendent their sale reports, saying “this much has been sold and this much remains”; they shall also hand over their weights and measures for inspection.

The Superintendent of Commerce shall fix prices to allow a profit of five percent for local commodities and ten percent on foreign produce. Merchants who inflate the price even half a penny more than that shall be punished with a fine.

Document 3 Source: Ganapatideva, ruler of the South Indian Kakatiya state, edict, circa 1245 C.E.

By the glorious king Ganapatideva the following edict assuring safety has been granted to sea traders starting for and arriving from all continents, islands, foreign countries, and cities:

Formerly kings used to take away by force the whole cargo—elephants, horses, gems, etc.—carried by ships and vessels which, after they had started from one country to another, were attacked by storms and wrecked ashore.

But We, out of mercy, for the sake of glory and merit, hereby pledge to leave everything except the fixed duty to those who have incurred the great rise of a sea-voyage with the thought that wealth is more valuable than even life. The rate of this duty is one thirtieth on all exports and imports.

- Wikiquote / The Group of Discourses, K. R. Norman, trans. (Oxford: 2001)

Document 4 Source: The Sutta Nipāta - a Buddhist scripture, a sutta collection in the Khuddaka Nikaya, part of the Pali Canon of Theravada Buddhism. (Wikipedia)

Leaving behind son and wife, and father and mother, and wealth and grain, and relatives, and sensual pleasures to the limit, one should wander solitary as a rhinoceros horn.

'This is an attachment; here there is little happiness, and little satisfaction; here there is very much misery; this is a hook.' Knowing this, a thoughtful man should wander solitary as a rhinoceros horn.

Having torn one's fetters asunder, like a fish breaking a net in the water, not returning, like a fire not going back to what is already burned, one should wander solitary as a rhinoceros horn.

Need someone to write me a DBQ. It’s been hard to keep up with school and if I don’t get this done I’m going to fail this course.This is the informationDocument class=

Answer :



Listen Man, You can do this!


I can't help you finish the DBQ but I can say this: You can do it!

If you start working now, you will definitely be able to finish on time. I believe in you! You can do it! Now get off of Brainly and start working on it!

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