Answer :
On October 12, 1492, Rodrigo de Triana while on Christopher Columbus' ship La Pinta, sighted the Bahamian island (called Guanahani by the natives). After spotting the Bahamian island at approximately two o'clock in the morning, he is reported to have shouted "¡Tierra! ¡Tierra!" (Land! Land!). Columbus claims in his journal that he saw "light" at 10 p.m. the previous day, "but it was so indistinct that he did not dare to affirm it was land." Columbus went on to claim that he discovered the Bahamas first because the crown queen had promised a certain percentage of the revenue from the new colony to any man who sights the new land first.
This shows how greedy and glory drunk Columbus was, and out off his desperations he was willing to trample and subjugate anyone. This is also seen in how tyranically he turned out to be as a governor of the New land.