Answer :
basically say something like, to practice social distance we can stay 6feet away from each other, and second you guys won’t be going back to school.♂️ but mostly stay 6 feet away from eachother, avoid touching eachother and wash your hands if you do.
Social distancing is good for public when not many people are around but with a whole school it will make the spread go even faster because some schools don't have enough room for hundreds upon a thousand children. Yes we can wear masks when we are in class and in the halls but children can't have a mask on all day its hard for some to breathe and they need to eat so they will take off their mask exposing theirselves to the virus. Plus Some children think they are 'cool' for them not to wear a mask and they will risk the whole school getting sick. I have many reasons why school should stay closed but i'm just gonna end this here.