Diffusion of one gas into another Consider a cylindrical compressed-gas container of length L, with a baffle located at - L/3. For 0 < L/3 the container contains gas A and for L/3 < sL, the container contains gas B. The gases are at the same pressure so that when the baffle is removed at t-0 the two gases mix by diffusion. Gas A, with concentration cA(x, t) and constant diffusion coefficient k, is governed by CA(1,0) = 0 (L/3 < x L) (10)
(a) Solve for cA(x, t)
(b) Draw a sketch of cA(x, t) including the values at t 0, t- oo and a few values in between. Label any key values and features of your graphs.
(c) From cA(x, t) find the steady state solution
(d) Solve for the steady state solution cAs() directly and show that it is equivalent to your answer in (c) above. First solve (7)-(8) for ca(z). Then, by integrating (7) fron x = 0 to x = L, show that cA(x, t)dr-constant (12) and evaluate the constant

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